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​FIDE Master Ho In Hei (Henry Sir)


​Candidate Master Chan Chak Man
(Chan Sir)

Master Chan ChakMan (Chan Sir) is the top chess player in Hong Kong. He has won numerous awards in the past ten years and has represented Hong Kong in the chess Olympiad for many times. He is currently the adult class instructor of Kidult Chess Academy.

In addition to his profound knowledge of chess, Chan Sir is also full of enthusiasm for education. In the spirit of "education through chess", he regards the personal growth of students as his own responsibility, and actively cultivates students' character, thinking and emotional intelligence through chess skills.

The main awards are listed below:

FIDE Candidate Master

FIDE World Chess Federation - National Arbiter

FIDE World Chess Federation - FIDE Instructor

2012 Turkish Chess Olympiad - Hong Kong Team Representative
2014 Norway Chess Olympiad - Hong Kong Team Representative
2015 Hong Kong Chess International Open - Best Local Chess Player
2016 Hong Kong Chess Team Championship - Champion
2017 Hong Kong Rapid Chess Championship - Champion
2018 Hong Kong Rapid Chess Championship - Champion

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